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What I Am Buying Today.
Bought C and RIO.
(07-14-2022, 11:37 AM)EricL Wrote:
(07-14-2022, 10:45 AM)kblake Wrote: Added AVGO, LOW, EPD, SCHD and TGT

My yearly dividend now stands at 19k. I need 1000 more in dividends to reach my 20k goal. When the market is down big it creates more dividend yields. So it's nor all bad lol

Awesome. That's a great milestone to hit!

I've actually got similar milestones in mind, but they are all multiples of $3,000, so that the total divides evenly by 12 months.  For instance, at $21,000 you can say that you now make, on average, $1750 per month.  

Anyway, I'm at $8,200, so my next milestone is $9k, and really no idea when I'll hit that Wink  I'm probably going to max out my ROTH 401k before I start diverting paycheck money to my brokerage account, and that probably won't happen until child support drops off completely.  Therefore the brokerage account is probably on its own with dividend reinvestment for a good 4-5 years unless my company stock recovers before then, except for the occasional 3rd paycheck of a 3 paycheck month dropping in when it's not needed for anything else.

I've set up $200 in automatic investment for SCHD at the beginning of each month, and with the remainder of my dividends I'm basically doing round-robin on ABBV, CVS, TGT, LYB and F lately with the small remainder going to CIM.
Added NEE, JNJ., SCHD and ENPH
New position in CAT

Back in TGT
Added PPG, LMT, SWK and BAC

New position in DOW
Bought some more NUTHN again today. Smile
New position in SHEL
Anyone owns owens corning here? Took initial look and numbers look great.
Added more LMT and LHX
Sold out of APPL after holding for 17 years lol

It came down to the dividend and how weak it is, plus all the lawsuits and slower growth.

I think I will be able to buy back under $120.

Put the proceeds into JNJ, CMI and TD
Added LMT and ALLY

Initial position in IIPR. I has sold this one at $276 and now bought back under $89

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