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cemanuel December 2021 Portfolio Review
For those who have followed my SA blog, this will be very abbreviated from what I do there. I think that after I put up my 2021 Annual Review I'll start another thread (besides that one) titled "cemanuel 2022 Portfolio." I'll open with holdings as of 1/1/22 and add posts, mainly the monthly reviews, so they're all under one roof. I'm not sure what I'll do with building the IRA - that may need a separate thread. I'll add a couple of edits after trading ends 12/31 but this is most of it. 

December Portfolio Review

This is my real-world portfolio I will use to retire on at the end of 2021. The bulk is in a taxable account but I began a Roth in 2017 which is a small portion. As of now I have 29 stocks. The complete list is at the bottom of this post.

The purpose of my Taxable Account is primarily to provide me with dividend income to fund my retirement. I plan to completely fund my retirement from this account; about 80% from dividends, about 20% from stock sales, at least for 2022.

My Roth - and my T-IRA once I set it up in February, 2022 - is a total return account though I still lean toward companies that pay dividends.

December Numbers:

Metric                                          IRAs                           Taxable                                  Overall

Buys                                              2                                  0                                           2

Sells                                              1                                  0                                           1

Dividend Increase 
over December, 2020                     N/A                              N/A                                      -23.45%

Dividend Increase 
over September, 2021                   N/A                              N/A                                       -7.00%

Change in value over 11/30/21      7.04%                           6.75%                                    6.77%

Current Dividend Yield                  2.71%                           2.52%                                    2.53%

Change in 12-mo 
projected Dividend Income
(from 11/30/21)                        -15.79%                         .65%                                      -.68%

Organic/Internal annual DGR       10.14%                         8.98%                                      N/A

Trades: All in the Roth: Sold MO, bought BBY & WSM on December 23.

Dividends: The decline from 2020 is entirely due to the MSM Special dividend paid in 2020. Discounting this would result in a minimal increase of 1.07%. The decline from September is that I received a substantial dividend from Gilead which I have since sold. Disregarding this would have been a modest increase which should show up over the next quarter.

Beginning in 2022 I’ll be tracking my Taxable Account separately. As I plan to manage them similarly, I will group the Roth and T-IRA together. For this year I won’t have good comparison numbers, unfortunately, with 2021 and for the taxable account won’t have a lot to work with until April when I can compare comparable months – all the companies I own now pay quarterly.

I could go back to all dividends paid in 2021 and come up with the numbers but that’s a lot of work for no real purpose. I already know the taxable account dividends grew through the year, modestly and in the Roth, about every trade I made reduced them. 

The following companies paid dividends in December: ADM, ^LMT, LYB, *MSFT, NEE, PFE, UNH, WHR

^Increase from $2.60 to $2.80 per share

*Increase from $.56 to $.62 per share

Stocks owned:



I'm happy to answer any questions (other than dollar figures) and please let me know if you have suggestions for the format. On SA these were usually 1500 word posts but that doesn't seem right for here. I also need to figure how to copy/paste from Word so the fonts aren't messed up.

My favorite chart: Dividend Income by Month since I opened my accounts in March, 2017:

Charts are hard to interpret with the y axis unlabeled to dollars or a percentage. I don't need to know your port value but it is just graphics nobody can make any sense of to comment on. I would love to comment if I could say something useful. Looks like sideways for five years at a glance, and sideways may be a win if that is your goal.
(12-31-2021, 01:11 PM)fenders53 Wrote: Charts are hard to interpret with the y axis unlabeled to dollars or a percentage.  I don't need to know your port value but it is just graphics nobody can make any sense of to comment on.  I would love to comment if I could say something useful.  Looks like sideways for five years at a glance, and sideways may be a win if that is your goal.

I have no idea what you mean by this. It is not sideways if you know how to read a bar graph, unless you are color blind. And as long as you understand that the color legend on the right indicates calendar years. I have a line graph representing the same data which I plan to use with the annual review which may suit you better.

It HAS been increasing much more slowly for about the past 12 months. I completely overhauled the Roth this year, moving out of REITs and BDCs. I didn't begin tracking dividend income from those accounts separately until this September. But Taxable Account income is continuing to increase, slowly, while Roth income is down in a big way.

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