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What I Am Buying Today.
(11-17-2021, 12:55 PM)fenders53 Wrote:
(11-16-2021, 10:49 PM)vbin Wrote:
(11-16-2021, 01:09 PM)fenders53 Wrote:
(11-16-2021, 12:29 PM)vbin Wrote: Sold a GPN put

That's a Chuck pick.  Looks way undervalued vs more famous competitors.  Trying to follow you in on this one.  I need some income this week so probably going to sell an ENPH and GNRC put that expire this week.  Way out of the money so I can roll them if necessary.  No interest in more shares up here but I could live with it longer term.
Yup, I am thinking to sell a put a fisv too.

Got my Didi calls assigned at $9.5 this Friday, bought those shares back.
I did join you in the GPN put sell and of course it is down immediately.  I'll roll it forward to DEC and get long when the digital payment beat down is closer to over. GPN looks like a very solid hold for years.

I like the Jan $125 calls on GPN
Bought Jan $12.50 calls on GEOV. Call a hunch as the next GME Wink If it goes to $300 I will sell and buy one there trucks lol

Calls are very active today. I think I'm just going to amuse myself and buy options for a while

GPN good buy on calls as well. Maybe have more tax loss selling but I see no reason why it cant get back above the $125 strike price
GPN is freefalling with the sector so who knows. It will have a good PE soon so I'm OK with waiting. I'm wouldn't do it with calls while it is in falling knife mode though. Traders are abandoning them all now and down another 10% by tax loss time wouldn't be shocking. I'm OK with getting pulled in with puts and riding it out.

I'll have to go check out GOEV for fun.
Sold a put in DG and several more SPWR. My SPWR shares got called away. Made good money but this thing is volatile. Everything that looks safe becomes a close call in weeks lol. I like their chances in 2022-23. They have a nice footprint in CA and there is no doubt solar is growing fast there.

Thinking about selling a second put in GPN. I need to listen to a conference call first. It wouldn't hurt if TD had their PE listed correctly. Current, forward, backwards, it's just way off at over 40 PE. They are way too consistent to have a PEG ratio of about 1.0 I better stop pumping them now before they drop another 20%. Smile
[quote pid='29851' dateline='1637099278']
Additional HD is not on my current list of 2022 acquisitions, so if it dips, great, if not no worries.
There is hope for you.  Print that out and tape it to the mirror so you see it when you shave.  Read it  daily until you believe it.  Big Grin 

IMO it's OK to buy a couple shares of something just because you want to, but larger positions should be executed with the attitude you just posted.  There is always something quality that hasn't run up 50% this year.  MOMO usually only works for short term trading.
(11-15-2021, 10:23 AM)fenders53 Wrote:
(11-15-2021, 10:01 AM)poneyboy Wrote: Me too on CRWD. I need to add  more growth. That's what everyone wants these days. Tired of being in the names that don't move lol

Finally sold my T after 8 years. Had enough lol
Nobody can say you weren't patient.  I've held a few dogs for decades but two years is about the max these days before I try to slap myself out of denial.

(11-17-2021, 06:38 PM)fenders53 Wrote: [quote pid='29851' dateline='1637099278']
Additional HD is not on my current list of 2022 acquisitions, so if it dips, great, if not no worries.
There is hope for you.  Print that out and tape it to the mirror so you see it when you shave.  Read it  daily until you believe it.  Big Grin 

IMO it's OK to buy a couple shares of something just because you want to, but larger positions should be executed with the attitude you just posted.  There is always something quality that hasn't run up 50% this year.  MOMO usually only works for short term trading.


I've got my acquisition targets as per the other thread, and I have conviction on those, so if they dip I won't worry.  Equities outside that are on an opportunistic basis.

I see the random post problem at the top is back! Also the quote corruption too.
I have found the conviction thing is very important for larger long term positions. I enjoy this and have time to track a dozen companies thoroughly, and another handful good enough if they are blue chips. I tried the 60 stock port and it led to fear when the market was getting crushed. I owned 25 stocks that weren't truly researched beyond message boards and brief articles. It was clearly just an underperforming mutual fund for my efforts.

I'll go easy on the post quoting. Everyone will have to figure out who I am talking to. Won't be hard on slow days.
I knew I should have shorted BABA Wink

CSCO The new T lol

Added TGT, PYPL, V and DG
(11-18-2021, 09:58 AM)kblake Wrote: I knew I should have shorted BABA Wink

CSCO The new T lol

Added TGT, PYPL, V and DG

Wow, ouch.  Luckily my CSCO position is still small.

While I don't own Nvidia anymore, go go go!  It's powering SOXL nicely Smile
Sold PCGU, added more baba
Sold puts on XLE, XLU
(11-18-2021, 10:09 AM)ken-do-nim Wrote:
(11-18-2021, 09:58 AM)kblake Wrote: I knew I should have shorted BABA Wink

CSCO The new T lol

Added TGT, PYPL, V and DG

Wow, ouch.  Luckily my CSCO position is still small.

While I don't own Nvidia anymore, go go go!  It's powering SOXL nicely Smile
CSCO has doubled in the last 7 years.   T can't claim anything close to that.  CSCO is like a food stock.  Steady profit and good dividend.  Gets no respect.  They really need to figure out the growth thing though if they want to be a tech company.  IBM is the new T.

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