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Earnings tomorrow and should be a div raise. Their last raise was only 2.5%. I know they are having a tough time in this slower global economy but if they don't increase it at least 5% this time, i'm thinking of selling out of my position. Thoughts? TBH I bought the company based on a recommendation and its good value(at the time) but I don't follow it as closely as some of my other stocks.
I also bought EMR when it was much cheaper. I've been very happy with the rise in value. If I didn't already own it, I would not buy more of it. Another small raise will have me thinking of selling it. Though I really hate to sell positions unless it meets one of my reasons for selling. It hasn't changed its business or reduced its dividend. I've turned off the dividend reinvestment on it.
5% raise and what appears to be a decent quarter from my quick scan of the numbers. I'm hanging on to it.
EMR and UTX are both on my short list for the next time the market gets crazy and moves their yield back above 3.5%-4%.
I couldn't recall if we'd even had a full discussion focused just on EMR. This thread was all I found in searching, so I'm dusting it off.

I'm thinking about starting a small position in EMR, and would love opinions about the state of the company right now and the valuation. Seems like the price is right for this one -- price is at multi-year low, dividend yield is much higher than its historical average. Earnings trajectory and payout ratio do not suggest that we're likely to see a string of big raises in coming years, but seems like it will likely be able to keeps its very long streak alive, from the current 3.6 percent base.

Pros? Cons? Other thoughts?
I am tempted too and looks like a great long term opportunity here for EMR.

Dividend Sleuth on SA had a great analysis of the company recently - heres the article.
Very appropriate to revive this as the stock is back to 2013 levels.
Interesting will be that after spin off the parent company emr will stand to it´s current div rate $1,88!!! i´m buying end next week when cash will be available for me!
Earnings are lower due to oil and overall slow world economy. I bought some more @56 trecently(too early). Low 50s is probably fair value and since it's an industrial company I should have waited for a discount to that. At the time I had $$$ and no other good prospects. I agree they will probably have low div growth going forward in the short term.

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