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Emergency Backup Emails - Printable Version

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Emergency Backup Emails - Kerim - 01-08-2022

In the coming days and weeks, I'm going to do a little bit of tinkering with the back end of the website, starting with getting SSL / HTTPS going and making a hosting upgrade in hopes of speeding things up a little.

This is all super basic and should not create any problems or interruptions with the site, but I'm not the most web admin savvy person you'll ever meet. So, from an abundance of caution, I thought it would be a good idea to have some sort of communication plan in case something does go awry.

This is completely voluntary, of course! But for anyone who wants, please PM me an email address that I can use to update folks if the site has any problems. I'll keep the email list in the dark and encrypted recesses of my computer, will not share it with anyone for any purpose, and I will not use it for anything other than communication about the site if something were ever to happen.

(Or if you have better ideas for this contingency, I'm all ears!)


RE: Emergency Backup Emails - crimsonghost747 - 02-10-2022

Hey Kerim.
There have been several issues accessing the forum in the past 48 hours.
Could you confirm if these are due to the tinkering mentioned and not something else?

RE: Emergency Backup Emails - Kerim - 02-10-2022

Appreciate the heads up -- I haven't done any tinkering at all in the past few days. Can you please give me a better sense of the problem?

And have others been have trouble as well?

RE: Emergency Backup Emails - fenders53 - 02-10-2022

Yes, probably everyone. Acted like server was down half the time yesterday. It hijacked the icon on my phone as well. Just took me to the error message. Once I thought to type the forum address in browser all was well today. Hopefully everyone figures if out.

RE: Emergency Backup Emails - crimsonghost747 - 02-10-2022

I was stupid enough to not screenshot the error I was getting.
I'll send you a PM with the error message that one of our members got.