(06-28-2021, 02:48 PM)fenders53 Wrote: [ -> ]Started a new position in VICI. Â Chickened out and sold my WEN options for a VERY small profit.
A reit specializing in casinos? Neat!!!
Re-opening trade looks dead for awhile.
I came to the realization that I need to prioritize dividends to balance my budget properly and reach $6k/year before I can focus back on DGI or Growth. To that end, I made a flurry of moves, and I ended up at an Estimated Income of $5,885.36; which is pretty darn close
- ORC (despite the 14.4% div, it keeps sinking)
- BTI (good div, but sold because it was at a loss and that will help taxes)
No new positions taken, but proceeds were spread around to existing high div payers (ABBV and MO included but mostly OXLC, RA, AGNC, ARCC).
There are a whole bunch of positions I hope to get back into next year such as WEC, HPQ, NEE, and IBM.
(06-29-2021, 11:21 AM)ken-do-nim Wrote: [ -> ]I came to the realization that I need to prioritize dividends to balance my budget properly and reach $6k/year before I can focus back on DGI or Growth. Â To that end, I made a flurry of moves, and I ended up at an Estimated Income of $5,885.36; which is pretty darn close 
- ORC (despite the 14.4% div, it keeps sinking)
- BTI (good div, but sold because it was at a loss and that will help taxes)
No new positions taken, but proceeds were spread around to existing high div payers (ABBV and MO included but mostly OXLC, RA, AGNC, ARCC).
There are a whole bunch of positions I hope to get back into next year such as WEC, HPQ, NEE, and IBM.
So you sold BTI and KMI because you need more current income? Or did you just sell some stocks because they were down a buck or two?  Can you walk us through the math? Why did you buy those stocks? What changed in your original thesis before you invested?  You might consider putting most of your income basket in ETFs so you can't see what is going on day to day. Locking in all your losses is a losing strategy.
Right, I started the day deciding to sell ORC, and then BTI and KMI came along for the ride because all 3 are tax losses, and I'm still looking to offset that short-term gain on NAIL from earlier in the year. I've increased taxes taken out of my paycheck by $300/month so that all these dividends and gains don't cause an IRS penalty next March. Short-term gains are still over $6k but at least that's down from over $8k. And though BTI was in the 7s and KMI in the 5s yield-percentage-wise, I decided to double-down on some of my 9 and 10 yielders instead to make up for the loss of ORC and plus they've been appreciating. Plus, nibbling in the back of my mind is whether I want to be tacitly supporting tobacco by being a stock owner.
My budget shortfall is due to the recent $300/month increase in taxes taken out. That, plus the additional $450/month I pay for the increased mortgage after the cash-out refinance, and the 10% taken out for the employee stock purchase plan, are my triple killers.
(05-11-2021, 09:12 AM)divmenow Wrote: [ -> ] (05-11-2021, 09:08 AM)fenders53 Wrote: [ -> ] (05-11-2021, 09:06 AM)divmenow Wrote: [ -> ] (05-11-2021, 09:00 AM)fenders53 Wrote: [ -> ] (05-11-2021, 08:47 AM)divmenow Wrote: [ -> ]Way to go...Â
. Join the ENPH club lol
I also took a new position in PXD thanks to the secondary at $153
I needed to add another name in the sector to go along with CVX and EOG
now the only other sector I'm underweight in is leisure 
Dude I am a charter member of ENPH. I made a few hundred a month the past year selling short puts while it ran. I have a few short puts that are WAY in the money after this bloodbath.  I can only roll forward so much before I own $140 shares. Â
 I said here many times I was good with adding a real position starting at $125. If I am honest I need ENPH to head back to $120ish to be back to even. I wasn;t aggressive enough when it was truly cheap. I'll add shares to my growthy port in the meantime.
Yeah yeah. What ever floats your boatÂ
I am very good with owning ENPH long-term. How happy I am in the end very much depends on the entry. We'll see where the bottom is soon enough.
Well me too. Got in at $108.90Â
This will be a big winner for years to come. You have to add at some point, so why not today. I don't worry about making a few $ here and thereÂ
. I'm in to win it lolÂ
Are we having fun today 
(06-29-2021, 12:24 PM)ken-do-nim Wrote: [ -> ]Right, I started the day deciding to sell ORC, and then BTI and KMI came along for the ride because all 3 are tax losses, and I'm still looking to offset that short-term gain on NAIL from earlier in the year. Â I've increased taxes taken out of my paycheck by $300/month so that all these dividends and gains don't cause an IRS penalty next March. Â Short-term gains are still over $6k but at least that's down from over $8k. Â And though BTI was in the 7s and KMI in the 5s yield-percentage-wise, I decided to double-down on some of my 9 and 10 yielders instead to make up for the loss of ORC and plus they've been appreciating. Â Plus, nibbling in the back of my mind is whether I want to be tacitly supporting tobacco by being a stock owner.
My budget shortfall is due to the recent $300/month increase in taxes taken out. Â That, plus the additional $450/month I pay for the increased mortgage after the cash-out refinance, and the 10% taken out for the employee stock purchase plan, are my triple killers.
It seems beyond impulsive when you lock in losses monthly or more often. I'll stop with the lecturing and you'll find your own way in a few years.
It's been very tough to redeploy expired option sell cash each week when the market rarely dips. A lot of moves but mostly not much over $1K. UTEs just now hitting the top of the zone where I am interested. Hoping they go lower.
Added shares to QQQ-WEC-XEL-ALE-UNP-LMT
Solds puts in HRL-PEP-ALE, sold a covered call in TSM.
Sold out TSM & TDOC. Moved most money into QCOM (new position) and add on CVX.
(02-25-2021, 10:25 AM)fenders53 Wrote: [ -> ] (02-25-2021, 10:00 AM)divmenow Wrote: [ -> ]Bought some LDOS. Between the earnings miss and short report I haven’t seen it this low in a while. So I said why not lol. You in on this one too Fenders ?
I haven't researched it. Hadn't heard of it until you and Otter were discussing it last week. I am trying to not add too many more new names. We'll see how long that lasts. 
What I need is for tech to get hammered for real again, but this market is resilient.
Very small trades this morning. Â Added a few shares to DG-ARKF Â Sold a few SLV puts.
(06-29-2021, 02:23 PM)Dividendwayfarer Wrote: [ -> ]Sold out TSM & TDOC. Moved most money into QCOM (new position) and add on CVX.
I would really appreciate it if my fellow posters put their rationales here. For instance, why sell out of TSM? TDOC has been steadily rising since mid-May, why leave it? Of course QCOM is great too.