(02-24-2021, 02:02 PM)ken-do-nim Wrote: [ -> ]I don't understand Paypal. Â I thought they would drop like a rock after eBay stopped using them, but it doesn't seem to be the case.
You ever here of VENMO . Enough said lol ?
(02-24-2021, 01:58 PM)divmenow Wrote: [ -> ] (02-24-2021, 01:41 PM)fenders53 Wrote: [ -> ] (02-24-2021, 01:27 PM)divmenow Wrote: [ -> ]I'm taking advantage of some selloffs in various industries.
Added NKE, BEPC, DUK and WEC
Our ports are getting more similar each day. Scary huh? Â
I can't have you out shopping me today. Guess I better get on it lol. The ENPH I bought yesterday is up $28. I am starting to like this Momo stuff.
I can't add to ENPH unless it gets down under $100 area. Or my average price will go up lolÂ
Average $48.70
You want Momo buy 1-2 shares of PYPL here lolÂ
I hate it when we think a like 
I get it, but $100 isn't going to happen with President GreenJeans in power unless the market implodes. I was patient and waited for $70 drop. The PE will continue making Tesla look cheap. I sold a lot of ENPH puts last fall and that was a very good experience. I sure didn't know it would pop $100+ fast or I would have went in deeper with long shares of course.Â
Adding to my UTEs now. I am Mister Ute preacher here. If I won't get in a little deep here I'm a hypocrite.Â

 I've done my DD and all my UTE picks are solid and most lean a little green.  It will keep me out of trouble if I tie up some cash now. I can always flip it for some $75 AAPL if this all goes to hell on us.Â

Added to AEP-WEC-XEL. Started a new position in DUK. I usually just sell DUJK puts every month because it's easy income. These are only like $2K buys each because I'm not convinced UTEs have bottomed with rates rising. It's actually overdone already as rates won't be allowed to rise to the levels when these UTEs were 5-10% higher. I've given up on market narratives getting irrational when you dig deeper. It is what it is. Soon these UTEs are going to look good to bondholders getting their butts kicked for another few months at least.
Started a position in HII.
Added NEE, and a bit more of the aforementioned UTEs.
Who’s buying 1 stare of NVDA this morning? You got a dip lol
(02-25-2021, 09:13 AM)divmenow Wrote: [ -> ]Who’s buying 1 stare of NVDA this morning? You got a dip lol
A dip dip, or just a six week low LOL. I already have enough chips unfortunately. We'll see how low it goes.
EDIT: Never mind, it was this cheap yesterday, and the day before.

Bought some LDOS. Between the earnings miss and short report I haven’t seen it this low in a while. So I said why not lol. You in on this one too Fenders ?
(02-25-2021, 10:00 AM)divmenow Wrote: [ -> ]Bought some LDOS. Between the earnings miss and short report I haven’t seen it this low in a while. So I said why not lol. You in on this one too Fenders ?
I haven't researched it. Hadn't heard of it until you and Otter were discussing it last week. I am trying to not add too many more new names. We'll see how long that lasts.Â
What I need is for tech to get hammered for real again, but this market is resilient.
Very small trades this morning. Added a few shares to DG-ARKF Sold a few SLV puts.
added a few AVGO, CRWD and MO
(02-25-2021, 10:25 AM)fenders53 Wrote: [ -> ] (02-25-2021, 10:00 AM)divmenow Wrote: [ -> ]Bought some LDOS. Between the earnings miss and short report I haven’t seen it this low in a while. So I said why not lol. You in on this one too Fenders ?
I haven't researched it. Hadn't heard of it until you and Otter were discussing it last week. I am trying to not add too many more new names. We'll see how long that lasts. 
What I need is for tech to get hammered for real again, but this market is resilient.
Very small trades this morning. Â Added a few shares to DG-ARKF Â Sold a few SLV puts.
And I am getting the start of my wish. 10YR treasury is no longer just "creeping" up. Market is going nowhere until the FED makes it stop if they can. Small limit orders in on half my port and some of it is dropping.Â

Believe me or not, but this is a time to nibble and not try to pick a bottom with all your cash, then see what tomorrow brings. 10yr T has damn near doubled in a few months and I don't think the market will ignore that trend any longer, at least in the short-term. Anything high debt is going to be less attractive for awhile.  Â
Sure wish I was in good stocks today like GME and AMC.Â

It's been a tough couple of weeks. I peeked a few minutes ago SOXL is down $100 points. I may have to simply not look again until mid-March if I can help it.