(02-10-2021, 09:40 PM)crimsonghost747 Wrote: [ -> ] (02-10-2021, 12:47 PM)divmenow Wrote: [ -> ]Just curious how many here have cannabis stocks? And which do you own?
Only the magnificent IIPR!
I also dabbled in HRVOF due to your recommendation (thanks again!) but sold already.
There is certainly potential in cannabis products but the competition seems to be extremely high and of course 99% of the companies are just not mature enough for me to really invest in them. I don't really have a good strategy for picking growth stocks and they are only a tiny part of my portfolio. (since dividend income is the main thing for me)
IIPR has been a beast Â
And I didn't even know you were in on HRVOF. Nice hope you didn't sell too soonÂ

 . They have some very positive news yesterday with expansion in Asia. It may be a cheap stock but I believe they are headed for much bigger things. I can see this going to $3-$ over the next several years. And they did grow revenues by 31% in the last quarter.Â
I am heavily invested in the cannabis sector but I did trim lots yesterday on the big runups. But I do hold a lot of the Canadian Cannabis stocks because they are way less volatile and are and trade on the OTC. These are my long term holds and will hold for future. I have done extensive research and all these companies and each will be positive green in late 2021 or eastly 2022. So they are some good ones. You just have to find them and eliminate the ones who have like 2 products or no distribution. But the ones who have stores and are expanding their brand on-line and in store are the ones who have a great future.
The companies that are well positioned are CURLF, JUSHF (my fav) CRLBF, GRWG, GTBIF and VFF (But too high to add now)
Now fenders will be excited he has new tickers to look up Â

Extensive research you say? 34yrs of drug testing in the military hampered my ability to participate in any MJ trials.
Good luck and hope they fly high for you guys another day or two. Shorts have got to be getting nervous about shorting anything right now.
(02-11-2021, 08:00 AM)divmenow Wrote: [ -> ]IIPR has been a beast Â
And I didn't even know you were in on HRVOF. Nice hope you didn't sell too soonÂ
My HRVOF was a super short adventure. Bought a small trading position after your recommendation, and sold yesterday since I figured it had climbed high enough already. So like a day or two?

And indeed looks like I sold too soon since I missed the massive jump towards yesterdays close. And the +50% it'll probably make today.
Doing boring stuff today. Nibbling 5 shares hear and there of my beat up UTES like WEC and XEL. Sold a few shares of GNRC since it's up $98 in a couple months. I didn't see that coming. VSTO may be next. It's about doubled since I started pimping it here last fall.
(02-10-2021, 09:30 AM)stockguru Wrote: [ -> ]Sold TLRY and APHA in the pre-market
Kept 25 TLRY in case they run it up to $200
I just bought TLRY at $24 last week and sold it at $68 and APHA from $17.89 to $30 lol
Market is nuts. I feel one day it will be down 2000 points
I will put those proceeds in LMT and LHX
Wow good thing that little person on my shoulder whispered to me and told me to sell or trim most of my cannabis yesterdayÂ
Easy come, easy go lol. Shorts in control today but something tells me they will head up again in the next few days.Â
I added a few today that are now down bigger today then the gain they has before the run lol. VFF and HEXO. My hubby liked the Helios brand lol. These need to consolidate and get the day traders to move out.Â
Also added to PEP, PG and BMY
Thoughts on RCL, CLL, and NLCH? I am looking to buy. Figured this will be the next short coveringsÂ

(02-11-2021, 12:46 PM)stockguru Wrote: [ -> ] (02-10-2021, 09:30 AM)stockguru Wrote: [ -> ]Sold TLRY and APHA in the pre-market
Kept 25 TLRY in case they run it up to $200
I just bought TLRY at $24 last week and sold it at $68 and APHA from $17.89 to $30 lol
Market is nuts. I feel one day it will be down 2000 points
I will put those proceeds in LMT and LHX
Wow good thing that little person on my shoulder whispered to me and told me to sell or trim most of my cannabis yesterdayÂ
Easy come, easy go lol. Shorts in control today but something tells me they will head up again in the next few days.Â
I added a few today that are now down bigger today then the gain they has before the run lol. VFF and HEXO. My hubby liked the Helios brand lol. These need to consolidate and get the day traders to move out.Â
Also added to PEP, PG and BMY
Thoughts on RCL, CLL, and NLCH? I am looking to buy. Figured this will be the next short coverings 
Congrats on the trades. I've been adding BMY and re-entering PEP because I got lucky and dumped it all about 148.Â
As far as the cruiselines, the squeeze may have mostly happened. Most have doubled off their lows. If I was gonna play, it would probably be Norwegian. (NCLH) I think. Smaller cap than CCL and they seem to be more solvent. That would matter to me if I ended up being a bag holder. None of them are going away IMO but a few BKs isn't out of the question if they catch any more bad news.
Chuck has a new Fast Graphs analysis on YouTube for BMY. Still a patience play but I have drank the Koolaid and trying to get forced overweight. Politics are the only risk I see at current price.
(02-10-2021, 11:37 PM)vbin Wrote: [ -> ] (02-10-2021, 04:39 PM)Otter Wrote: [ -> ] (02-10-2021, 11:29 AM)vbin Wrote: [ -> ]QE has been restricted. Central bank not printing. They officially are saying, too much liquidity and reserves in banks. They plan to change policies post March 31st( or was it april, I forgot) and hence we will see banks start to buy more securities(bonds).
That is not the case. Fed tapering of bond purchases isn't expected to start occurring until 2022. Rate rises aren't likely until the end of 2022/early 2023
The economy and labor markets would have to perform far better than the best consensus estimates for that to change.
https://youtu.be/7tpmPiRFe2Q you can read the report from treasure board advisory committee.
But then listen to this
https://youtu.be/FZRaLvaYgpA I hope I shared the correct one, saw this guy shared some data In one of his vedios. Feb in general have been the volatile month + market situation, I am being cautious.
I watched the Steven Van Metre video. My main takeaway was that, even with the SLR extension expiry on March 31, 2021 (assuming no further interim rule extension by the banking regulators), bond yields at all ends of the curve will continue downwards, due to increased demand. That would be a replay of what happened after 2008. TINA, so buy stonks. The temporary SLR extension was an interim rule adopted on an emergency basis last year to avoid a banking crisis on top of the pandemic shutdowns. Similar moves can be made again on an expedited basis to keep the plumbing of the banking system unclogged. The folks running these agencies have shown a lot of competence over the past 10+ years at avoiding any semblance of a liquidity crisis.Â
Those charts he posted from the Treasury presentation show that the government expects 0 appreciable inflation in the next couple years. Even with these huge money dumps, which doubled the Fed balance sheet in under a year, we are barely treading water. The government is terrified of a deflationary cycle, and will do anything right now ($1.9 Trillion stimulus for the demand side, unprecedented QE so far) to stave off a 1930s repeat. It is somewhat of a repeat of post-2008. Then, although there was a lot of talk about expected inflation, it didn't really pan out in the way economists expected (mostly looking at it through a 1970s/1980s lens). Certain categories of assets (equities, property, bond prices) did get wildly inflated when compared to traditional growth metrics like GDP growth. The dollar slid hugely against other currencies through 2011, as we printed more than the ECB at first. When the EU almost destroyed itself (initially with Grexit, and Italy/Spain/Portugal on the brink of fiscal crisis), the Germans backed down from their push for austerity, and the ECB started to print as well.Â
The stuff that has inflated the most over the past decade is goods/services/property aimed at high earners (where the inflation has occurred). As wealth inequality continues to accelerate and create a two-tiered economic system, there is a floor to how much necessities (food/electricity/etc) can inflate without appreciable wage growth at the bottom of the economy, without risking massive societal destabilization (political extremism, unrest). Even allowing such an inequitable system to exist may prove to be unsustainably unstable. If a large section of the economy can't afford basic necessities on prevailing wages, bad things tend to happen to those societies. That is a very long post for another time or forum.Â
tl;dr Stonks go up.
added BMY, PM and AAPL
I'm not fooling around today lol
Nibbling just a little to keep myself entertained. Added 5-10 shares of my UTEs. WEC-XEL and maybe NEE later. Added to PEP. Sold a few safish puts in RSG and HRL.
Bought a bit of NOC, a starter position. Historically high yield, great dividend history, solid company and a raise coming soon.
@Otter March 31st isn't far. The uncertainty can create a pullback( I hope so). I will be watching. Agree on property prices. Rates all time low, stocks all time high so folks shuffling from stocks to property. Bay area good schools multi million dollar homes selling like hot cakes. $100-$500k above asking. So what u said about 2 parallel system is true. Mostly assets have gone up( seen inflation).