(11-24-2020, 11:03 PM)vbin Wrote: [ -> ]Here you go https://ark-invest.com/white-papers/
Thanks, not much talk out there regarding her ETFs but ARKW looks very strong. It moves enough that I may nibble on the next 10% dip off the recent highs.
Gobble, gobble to all.
(11-25-2020, 07:20 AM)NilesMike Wrote: [ -> ] (11-24-2020, 11:03 PM)vbin Wrote: [ -> ]Here you go https://ark-invest.com/white-papers/
Thanks, not much talk out there regarding her ETFs but ARKW looks very strong. It moves enough that I may nibble on the next 10% dip off the recent highs.
Gobble, gobble to all.
She has quietly become one of the top fund managers. She nailed TSLA and a few more fast growers. I hate to chase last years champions, but after watching a few of her presentations on youtube she seems to be in the top tier for aggressive growth investing.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
Bought some BP. Its my only oil stock that I will buy at this time lol
Also bought KIRK. I think they will benefit a lot with Pier 1 now out of business
Sold JWN after getting in a $12. So that was a nice double+
Did a little holiday shipping today lol
Sold out of DDS and trimmed TGT
Added to my psec
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Boring week so I capped it off with some HRL.
Very interested to see online retail sales numbers for Black Friday. The store was a graveyard first six hours of the day then it picked up. I bet that's the last time HD does the No Doorbuster Sales trick. Our large regional competitor Menard's cheated and had door busters. They were slammed so no lives were saved.

better for employees I guess and we have some cases popping. It was clearly the responsible thing to do though.
I trimmed positions in bac, wfc, mo, xle and raised some cash.
Added BP and bought 200 XOM. Yes I just turned more bullish on oil lol
I will hold for 6 months to see where we head. Gas prices at the pump have been going up the last 2 weeks. XOM to $42 by Xmas lol
I better fill up my cars. It's been dropping slightly while oil ran up here. Its weird how inconsistent it can be.
Added another new name to my portfolio. VALE . Iron Ore will do very well in 2021. First time ever buying this name lol
FCX doing well also
I added to psxp. However higher probability that oil is headed further lower by end of the year.