I am just chattering about LOW and HD, because I spend 25+HRs a week there and most of us own shares. Working retail has just been very odd through all this. A lot of customers flat told me they crossed the bridge from IL just to hang out at HD, because they were bored with the lockdown and needed a project, and we were open. It was the slowest time of year and sales literally doubled and never slowed up until very lately. "Christmas" at LOW and HD is in May-June, but the holidays aren't bad of course. Building materials are interesting now. Lumber is the lowest margin product in the store, but a basic 2x4 is 400% normal cost right now. I also own the largest lumber supplier. Weyerhouser. Somebody is making margin on a ten dollar 2x4 lol. The price gouging will kill demand and it will be back to normal soon. A lot of my pro customers just rescheduled construction jobs that require lumber like garage builds to next spring. Practically nobody is paying double on a discretionary upgrade job you already bid when our shelves were bare. Lumber is like watching gold trade lol.
Anyway I intend to grab some LOW shares soon.
(11-18-2020, 08:09 PM)fenders53 Wrote: [ -> ]I am just chattering about LOW and HD, because I spend 25+HRs a week there and most of us own shares. Working retail has just been very odd through all this. A lot of customers flat told me they crossed the bridge from IL just to hang out at HD, because they were bored with the lockdown and needed a project, and we were open. It was the slowest time of year and sales literally doubled and never slowed up until very lately. "Christmas" at LOW and HD is in May-June, but the holidays aren't bad of course. Building materials are interesting now. Lumber is the lowest margin product in the store, but a basic 2x4 is 400% normal cost right now. I also own the largest lumber supplier. Weyerhouser. Somebody is making margin on a ten dollar 2x4 lol. The price gouging will kill demand and it will be back to normal soon. A lot of my pro customers just rescheduled construction jobs that require lumber like garage builds to next spring. Practically nobody is paying double on a discretionary upgrade job you already bid when our shelves were bare. Lumber is like watching gold trade lol.
Anyway I intend to grab some LOW shares soon.
Very interesting. I have been wanting to get a rack to organize some stuff in my garage. May be I should buy low aswell and go to lows rather than HD for shopping lol
On a different note: I bought 10 each of wkhs, hyln, nvta as pure speculation play. Let's see if any of these companies survive and deliver anything over next 5 years.
You guys make me look up tickers I've never heard of every day lol.
Fender you adding to WEC here? I don’t have a position but may add some on this dip.
BP (2 shares to make it an even 100 share lot), C, and SPG.
(11-19-2020, 10:20 AM)divmenow Wrote: [ -> ]Fender you adding to WEC here? I don’t have a position but may add some on this dip.
I am really busy playing with UTEs this morning. AEP is a lot better opportunity right now. More of the Ohio mafia stuff going on. Nobody from AEP has been implicated at this time. CEO says they are clean and I believe him.Â
  I own AEP, just rolled a put forward that got caught in the down draft, sold another at the money, and will add a few shares. I'm a believer lol.
To answer your question I sold all but a couple shares of WEC when it spiked. I very well may add but it won't be a big trade. They have the green love thing going on so they won't dip far. A lot of UTEs are getting slight downgrades this week. Apparently they figured out some are expensive. Do they get paid to point this out six months and a 10% run too late?
Probably sell an XEL put and add a couple shares. That's my 10Xer and it's been a screaming sell for years.Â
Bought a few UNH shares. Been a while since I purchased
(11-18-2020, 10:54 PM)fenders53 Wrote: [ -> ]You guys make me look up tickers I've never heard of every day lol.
World is constantly changing and evolving fenders. I face the same thing, though that learning is expected for me I am way less experienced than you guys in this field.
Bought some XEL. This one does dip much so figure why not lol
As far as names you dont know. I could really stump you with my watch list of names you have no clue lol
(11-19-2020, 02:07 PM)divmenow Wrote: [ -> ]Bought some XEL. This one does dip much so figure why not lol
As far as names you dont know. I could really stump you with my watch list of names you have no clue lol
It's just a solid UTE and they converted to about 20% green a lot faster than anyone thought. Grab a div and jump ship when it runs back up to 75. If you are going to hold UTEs as I do I think it's smart to keep a major northern and southern UTE in any portfolio. Never know when we will get a couple years of extreme winter or summer weather. I miss DUK in my port. Constantly made money selling puts but it ran away as most good stocks do at some point.  I'll have to wait for it to come halfway back. I may have a long wait.
(11-19-2020, 02:07 PM)divmenow Wrote: [ -> ]Bought some XEL. This one does dip much so figure why not lol
As far as names you dont know. I could really stump you with my watch list of names you have no clue lol
I have a couple friends that stump me. One subscribes to a high dollar newsletter and he has some very good picks I never heard of. The other is constantly sending my tickers for one dolla stocks that look like they should be BK next month lol.  It's fun.