As you guys know, I have a large RTX position.
For one, the company is not the same one it was in February, so a 50% decline may very well be justified. It will take a long time for the aftermarket to recover, months and months longer than it takes for air travel to recover. And that doesn't appear to be happening anytime soon. Plus the balance sheet of RTX is far, far worse than the absolutely pristine one that RTN kept. (no big issues with the current balance sheet, but it's far from what it used to be)
I'll also be selling a put sometime this week, but purely as a trading strategy, I do not plan on getting assigned another 100 shares. (I have enough already, and other defense companies such as LHX are just way better positioned right now)
(10-28-2020, 12:48 PM)crimsonghost747 Wrote: [ -> ]As you guys know, I have a large RTX position.
For one, the company is not the same one it was in February, so a 50% decline may very well be justified. It will take a long time for the aftermarket to recover, months and months longer than it takes for air travel to recover. And that doesn't appear to be happening anytime soon. Plus the balance sheet of RTX is far, far worse than the absolutely pristine one that RTN kept. (no big issues with the current balance sheet, but it's far from what it used to be)
I'll also be selling a put sometime this week, but purely as a trading strategy, I do not plan on getting assigned another 100 shares. (I have enough already, and other defense companies such as LHX are just way better positioned right now)
It's all about when you arrive at the party. LHX has roughed me up some for sure. The strike $185 covered call I sold a few weeks ago looks OK though lol. In the shorterm who knows on defense stocks but I lose no sleep about the long-term.  Most of my port is round lots and I sold covered calls on 2/3rds of my port over the course of the past month. Should have sold them in the money but I'm not that bold lol.  My crystal ball has been working much better the past 6 months.  J/K it wasn't hard to imagine this BS US election drama wouldn't shake the market at least a little. I have a lot of cash but it's never enough if you dive in too early.
Well at least my pins is up $12 after the bell lol
The rest went into the crapper
I added some MA, TWLO, LIN, SHW, LOW and AVGO
More to come tomorrow if we go down anther 800
Red Eléctrica de España is on sale again.
I added some more today.
(10-29-2020, 01:02 PM)crimsonghost747 Wrote: [ -> ]fenders.
Red Eléctrica de España is on sale again.
I added some more today.
 My first reply vanished. I've enrolled in a 12 stop program trying to control my UTE buying habit. Â
Boring day here. Had to roll some puts today. First time since March it was more than a couple. I guess you'll have that when you crowd  the strike price for better premiums lol. I got WHACKED on LLY so far. Other than that I dodged most of the bullet. My port usually outperforms on down days. Now I just need to add some more growth before it rebounds. I'd be happy with one more down market week. Then we can all go back to getting wealthy lol.
That's a monster earning from google. Kicking myself for not buying more.
Added to AAPL at $109 after hours. Sell the news. Earnings were good considering no new phones until next quarter. I may even add to AMZN while it’s down lol
(10-29-2020, 04:11 PM)divmenow Wrote: [ -> ]Added to AAPL at $109 after hours. Sell the news. Earnings were good considering no new phones until next quarter. I may even add to AMZN while it’s down lol
I need to get back into a little FAANG. As long as there is a stimulus they will tear up earnings next quarter. They'll be OK either way of course, but they will knock it out of the park as long as people know for sure they have a check coming by DEC. IMO this is exactly why AAPL won't offer any guidance for awhile.
(10-29-2020, 04:08 PM)vbin Wrote: [ -> ]That's a monster earning from google. Kicking myself for not buying more.
Same here. I did add some more QQQ lately but not quite the same lol.
Added some APPL after the close and took new positions in ADBE. TDOC and ETSY
Adding some growth to my portfolio lol
Divemenow or Crimson,
Please pull a current chart or analyst report on NOC when you have a minute. I've patently waited for it to drop. It looks technically broken right now. Definitely oversold like all the defense stocks. I have no illusions they come back in favor in the near-term, but NOC grew just fine the last time we had a DEM administration. Projected to grow at 10% for years and I like the mix of military aviation and space. DIV growth record has been very good for at least 10 years. Thinking of gradually building a position starting now. I already own a lot of LMT and LHX, and my RTN income side game. If NOC drops hard I'll speed it up, otherwise just a share or two a month for awhile. I like the diversification within the sector since my positions end up large. You never know when you'll have a big problem with a weapons system, or bribery allegations. I'd rather grab a non-defense industrial now, but most of the big ones have ties to commercial aviation, auto manufacturing, or just overvalued.
(10-29-2020, 08:04 PM)fenders53 Wrote: [ -> ]Divemenow or Crimson,
Please pull a current chart or analyst report on NOC when you have a minute. I've patently waited for it to drop. It looks technically broken right now. Definitely oversold like all the defense stocks. I have no illusions they come back in favor in the near-term, but NOC grew just fine the last time we had a DEM administration. Projected to grow at 10% for years and I like the mix of military aviation and space. DIV growth record has been very good for at least 10 years. Thinking of gradually building a position starting now. I already own a lot of LMT and LHX, and my RTN income side game. If NOC drops hard I'll speed it up, otherwise just a share or two a month for awhile. I like the diversification within the sector since my positions end up large. You never know when you'll have a big problem with a weapons system, or bribery allegations. I'd rather grab a non-defense industrial now, but most of the big ones have ties to commercial aviation, auto manufacturing, or just overvalued.
I have my eyes on NOC as well. Currently a very small position.