Congrats to those who bought BA and CBRL. And sorry to those naysayers who said not to buy lol
I am still in shock on how much the market has run up. This is my best year ever and I can’t even explain it lol
Nice to see Xom On the move!!
Now if they run SIX and CCL back to $30, I’m really going to be questioning things ... lol
It's been a crazy year. Everything I have owned longer than a few days has run up. Everything I sold has run at some point. The rising tide raises all ships. Clearly doesn't matter if the short-term picture is horrible or not. Had I not sold anything to buy new things, I would be in approximately the same place today. It's a miracle all of my short trades were profitable. I never dreamed the SP would get much past 280 without a correction. Almost 10% higher from there. My monthly dividend income is up big and I own more defensive stocks. That's about the only real change for my port after considerable effort.
Sold a few puts in BMY and MDT today. Those positions will be slightly overweight if the puts ever get exercised. I sell them virtually every week for income in the mean time.
Buy those airlines. Look at them go lol
(06-05-2020, 08:05 AM)divmenow Wrote: [ -> ]Buy those airlines. Look at them go lol
The market never makes complete sense, but the airlines are just mystifying. Has something changed in the past month that would justify them doubling? I honestly thought their values near the bottom then are probably about right 6+ months from now if things go very well. The traders are loving it for sure.
I'm staying put. The recovery is on the move. I'm so glad I bought BA, XOM, CBRL, TD LOW, RTX, WPC and DFS near the lows.
I did add a few names today based on value today like CINF, HON and MO
Rolled some pooled dividends into BMY and PFE this morning.
This market is ridiculous. Just along for the ride at this point.
Sold the last of my DE and MMM. My research on their near-term reality is close enough to sound IMO. There will be a better day to buy. Wish I was invested another 10% of my port last week but I am not and not changing that with FOMO now.
On a happier note a long-term goal has finally been met (exceeded) a little early. I started my retirement boat account with the smoldering debris of the tech bubble crash in 2001. I knew I would be too cheap to use my regular retirement funds for a fancy fishing boat purchase nobody could really ever justify. A smallish amount of money and never added a dime of new capital in 19 years. Until a year ago it was only MSFT-JNJ-XEL-PFE and I just let it ride. A little more diversified these days but I need to be careful I don't lose it. We hit market ATHs soon and I am going to go conservative with it finally. Maybe I will buy the boat next year which would be at least a year earlier than planned.
Overall I guessed wrong on 2020 for sure, but I will remain optimistic.

(06-05-2020, 09:29 AM)fenders53 Wrote: [ -> ]Sold the last of my DE and MMM. Â My research on their near-term reality is close enough to sound IMO. Â There will be a better day to buy. Â Wish I was invested another 10% of my port last week but I am not and not changing that with FOMO now. Â
On a happier note a long-term goal has finally been met (exceeded) a little early. Â I started my retirement boat account with the smoldering debris of the tech bubble crash in 2001. Â I knew I would be too cheap to use my regular retirement funds for a fancy fishing boat purchase nobody could really ever justify. Â A smallish amount of money and never added a dime of new capital in 19 years. Â Until a year ago it was only MSFT-JNJ-XEL-PFE and I just let it ride. Â A little more diversified these days but I need to be careful I don't lose it. Â We hit market ATHs soon and I am going to go conservative with it finally. Â Maybe I will buy the boat next year which would be at least a year earlier than planned.
Overall I guessed wrong on 2020 for sure, but I will remain optimistic. Â 
Awesome news, fenders. Hope you are buying that boat soon.
Market has rocketed up way to fast. I'm not being greedy and giving up those profits I got in right near the lows. Now my kids can get that pool they wanted lol
I still own plenty. Just taking a little off the top. I will live to fight another day and and buying in cheaper. I'm going to have nice weekend now

(06-05-2020, 12:25 PM)divmenow Wrote: [ -> ]sold XOM, T, WSFS, CCL, WPC AAP, DFS, HII, and TJX
Market has rocketed up way to fast. I'm not being greedy and giving up those profits I got in right near the lows. Now my kids can get that pool they wanted lol
I still own plenty. Just taking a little off the top. I will live to fight another day and and buying in cheaper. I'm going to have nice weekend now 
I had the same thought in mind. I sold some as well. Cant believe I just sold SPG for a 144% gain lol
Sold UAL, RCL, LOW, BA, NUE, CB and a few others.
I'm long term but to me this is a gift to have been able to make this kind of money in an economy who is still in trouble going forward.  I will be looking for other oppertunities down the road. In the meantime will be a spectatorÂ

(06-05-2020, 12:34 PM)stockguru Wrote: [ -> ] (06-05-2020, 12:25 PM)divmenow Wrote: [ -> ]sold XOM, T, WSFS, CCL, WPC AAP, DFS, HII, and TJX
Market has rocketed up way to fast. I'm not being greedy and giving up those profits I got in right near the lows. Now my kids can get that pool they wanted lol
I still own plenty. Just taking a little off the top. I will live to fight another day and and buying in cheaper. I'm going to have nice weekend now 
I had the same thought in mind. I sold some as well. Cant believe I just sold SPG for a 144% gain lol
Sold UAL, RCL, LOW, BA, NUE, CB and a few others.
I'm long term but to me this is a gift to have been able to make this kind of money in an economy who is still in trouble going forward.  I will be looking for other oppertunities down the road. In the meantime will be a spectator 
Stop following meÂ
I did by 1 stock today. MKC. I have always wanted to own it. Got it on saleÂ

  Only a starter position of 35 shares.
(06-05-2020, 12:34 PM)stockguru Wrote: [ -> ] (06-05-2020, 12:25 PM)divmenow Wrote: [ -> ]sold XOM, T, WSFS, CCL, WPC AAP, DFS, HII, and TJX
Market has rocketed up way to fast. I'm not being greedy and giving up those profits I got in right near the lows. Now my kids can get that pool they wanted lol
I still own plenty. Just taking a little off the top. I will live to fight another day and and buying in cheaper. I'm going to have nice weekend now 
I had the same thought in mind. I sold some as well. Cant believe I just sold SPG for a 144% gain lol
Sold UAL, RCL, LOW, BA, NUE, CB and a few others.
I'm long term but to me this is a gift to have been able to make this kind of money in an economy who is still in trouble going forward.  I will be looking for other oppertunities down the road. In the meantime will be a spectator 
Just noticed BA is over $200 and hasn't sold a jet since I don't remember. This is truly Christmas in June.Â