Also, perhaps the Fed using newly printed dollars to prop up a high risk lending pool that was first created in the 1970s isn't a smart move. I get modern monetary theory, I get the need to expand the money supply and velocity of money during a potentially deflationary cycle, I get propping up sovereign debt, munis, and even investment-grade corporate notes so that credit markets don't lock up completely and start the death spiral.
But propping up the corporate equivalent of the loan-sharking industry. Wow. Just wow.
Risk is meaningless. Everyone should just mortgage their homes and buy HYG for a federally guaranteed 5%+ return. Better get yours now before others do and drive down the yield.
(04-09-2020, 05:21 PM)Otter Wrote: [ -> ]Also, perhaps the Fed using newly printed dollars to prop up a high risk lending pool that was first created in the 1970s isn't a smart move. I get modern monetary theory, I get the need to expand the money supply and velocity of money during a potentially deflationary cycle, I get propping up sovereign debt, munis, and even investment-grade corporate notes so that credit markets don't lock up completely and start the death spiral.
But propping up the corporate equivalent of the loan-sharking industry. Wow. Just wow.
Risk is meaningless. Everyone should just mortgage their homes and buy HYG for a federally guaranteed 5%+ return. Better get yours now before others do and drive down the yield.
This is going to get interesting. One of the funds I posted (HYT) is a Blackrock loan shark ETF. I wasn't complaining when I was up 30% plus a dividend over 10%. A decent fund when you buy it very low. You can eat some bad debt.  Now it gets rescued? This is why the political fights happen. Privatized gains and socialized losses.
(04-09-2020, 06:52 PM)Otter Wrote: [ -> ]OXY wants a bailout now:
I'd give that one poor odds of making it through Congress. An appropriation to buy crude for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve couldn't make its way into the last bailout bill.
They want a bailout, but ask to let the market run it's course on production. Like they can make some rules after their acquisition with idiotic financing.  They want some capitalistic socialism? They are in some really deep trouble and they caused most of it.
It's pretty quiet in here. Hope everyone had a good weekend with family. Looks like the companies and analysts are getting a litle more vocal finally regarding earnings. It's sure better than no information.
Initial position in PH. Added to DFS, TXN, and BAC.
(04-13-2020, 09:28 AM)fenders53 Wrote: [ -> ]It's pretty quiet in here. Â Hope everyone had a good weekend with family. Â Looks like the companies and analysts are getting a litle more vocal finally regarding earnings. Â It's sure better than no information.
Sitting here waiting for the earnings to roll in. Looks like this week is mostly banks. Get a bit more variety on the earnings front next week.
(04-13-2020, 09:36 AM)ChadR Wrote: [ -> ]Initial position in PH. Â Added to DFS, TXN, and BAC.
I like Parker Hannifin Chad. Be a little patient with future your share adds and I think you will be very pleased in a few years or less. IMO a better industrial than some of the larger more famous DOW industrials.
Trimmed my position in CLX.
added to WM, FDX and BEN
Took a new position in DAL and ATVI
I’m looking at the banks. They are at levels that look very undervalued here. Other then V and MA I’m not really in this space. I sold the banks back last year.
Thinking of buying C and and a few others on my list.
Banks look pretty good here. I was thinking first down day after they report. Earnings should be ok enough and Fed has plussed up their reserves. Most of the majors report next few days.