Slow day but the market is still open so who knows how it ends.Â
Purchased my daily one share of Amazon.   I know that sounds silly but I would be sad if I went all in days ago.  This is the first time I have dollar cost averaged daily. I'm pretty sure that's not what the term means lol.Â
Adding a little here and there to my Vanguard mutuals and ETFs that are dividend oriented. Sold a few more puts in JNJ and ABT today. Next week may be exciting as I navigate a LOT of put contracts that have dropped to near or in the money. Need to decide which ones to allow to execute and which to roll forward a month for a better entry price. Pretty soon and I will have most of my port in long positions. I still very much recommend entering larger positions with puts, but it's exhausting to track when the market gets like this.
(10-12-2018, 11:51 AM)EricL Wrote: [ -> ]Not a dividend stock, but I bought some shares of SQ in my trading account this morning.
~30% off its recent all-time high.
Funny, I remember right after the IPO I was like this SQ is going to be a huge contributor...Before I even knew what it was I seen their product in use at this hipster diner we use to go to for breakfast.
I can't bring myself to buy it though, I don't know why--focusing on other investments.
My non-dividend paying stocks so far are AMZN, BRK.B, MKL and CELG....and a very very small position in SHOP that I bought way back. The other 4 companies are actually in my top ten holdings even though I favor DGI'ing.
As much as I love DGI stocks, ruling out any exposure to pure growth stocks seems foolish. DGI stocks could go out of favor for 10 more years and you just flushed a significant portion of your investing career. I'm sure not going to bet the entire farm on historically high PE DGI stocks growing at 2% or even less in a booming economy. That's a recipe for extreme long-term under performance IMO.
Even though I own a few non-divi paying stocks my main focus are Divi paying companies. Sure, AMZN, CELG, MKL and BRK.B are in my top 10 holdings; however, the bulk of my investments pay a dividend. I get that cash is King but I value cash flow a lot more important, I can stop all future contributions today and will still meet my financial goals even if the overall market performance is poor for the next 10 to 15 years. Cash flow is huge, and a Divi is a great source and if it grows? Forget about it.....
I'm completely with you on the cash flow thing. It requires a modest amount of growth to maintain a dividend long term. I do believe the dividend definitely needs to grow or the strategy is a bust. Otherwise a simple S&P index fund will wildly outperform on any metric. Anyway, there is a reason young investors are advised to place some assets in growth stocks. Because it makes complete sense long term. There are a LOT of Aristocrat stocks I find completely unattractive short of a major correction.
Personally I prefer the middle ground. There are plenty of growing companies with a reasonable dividend. Most are way overpriced currently but that's another discussion. I own very few non-dividend paying stocks and I doubt that will ever change at this stage. Somebody who is 25 should not do that. I'm glad I did not rule out MSFT, INTC and CSCO way back then when they paid no dividend, or it was so small it was meaningless.
Added a little more to my BIP holding today. Brookfield's assortment of partnerships has treated me well over the years. I like BIP under $40 for additional purchases.
bought some OXY today. Drop today seems to be a complete overreaction to OXY losing a minuscule amount of cash flow (<$60M cash flow per year impact out of >$5B total cash flow). Doesn't make sense that it dropped over 6% on that news.
Earnings reports are surely nitpicked looking for a downside. Especially now when the market is skittish and many are looking for a reason to jump. Even in a strong market half the stocks go on sale for at least a a few days if the report is anything short of beating estimates soundly.
Added to OXY, AFL, CCL and UTX. Sold out of HRS and NKE. NKE had a great run and I'm not a supporter of Kaepernick. HRS merged so I took the profits.
(10-16-2018, 11:16 AM)divmenow Wrote: [ -> ]Added to OXY, AFL, CCL and UTX. Sold out of HRS and NKE. NKE had a great run and I'm not a supporter of Kaepernick. HRS merged so I took the profits.
High five on the NKE dump.

 I won't dive into the politics here but that "in your face move" took them off my buy list, and household shopping list forever. Alienating half the country is bad business, whether it gives you a short term bump in sales or not.