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(04-27-2021, 11:39 PM)crimsonghost747 Wrote: [ -> ]HYLN looks like it found the bottom and has gained pretty damn well these past few days. Smile

(Insomnia; it happens)

Never heard of that one before.  Looking at the stock ticker; no dividend, definite downward trend the last 6 months.  What attracts you to that stock?  I do see the nice recovery you are talking about, though there was a false recovery Feb 11th as well.
(04-28-2021, 03:07 AM)ken-do-nim Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-27-2021, 11:39 PM)crimsonghost747 Wrote: [ -> ]HYLN looks like it found the bottom and has gained pretty damn well these past few days. Smile

(Insomnia; it happens)

Never heard of that one before.  Looking at the stock ticker; no dividend, definite downward trend the last 6 months.  What attracts you to that stock?  I do see the nice recovery you are talking about, though there was a false recovery Feb 11th as well.
Most of the SPACs crashed hard and some are finding a bottom now, at least in the near term. It's a spec play.
Day I thought I'd have: up $10,000
Day I had: down $2500
Disappointment factor: $12,500

Well, maybe tomorrow will be better.

In the meantime, today's clear winner - no one was even close percentage-wise - was HRZN, who is essentially the Magneto of stocks. One day the hero, the next day the villain. Or to put it another way, it's an honorary triple, but with a 7.41% dividend to boot.

Today's loser was, again, SOXL, followed closely by TXN. Very discouraging on the chip front but I'm absolutely certain that by the end of the year my chip investments will make me ecstatic.
(04-28-2021, 04:27 PM)ken-do-nim Wrote: [ -> ]Day I thought I'd have: up $10,000
Day I had: down $2500
Disappointment factor: $12,500

Well, maybe tomorrow will be better.

In the meantime, today's clear winner - no one was even close percentage-wise - was HRZN, who is essentially the Magneto of stocks.  One day the hero, the next day the villain.  Or to put it another way, it's an honorary triple, but with a 7.41% dividend to boot.

Today's loser was, again, SOXL, followed closely by TXN.  Very discouraging on the chip front but I'm absolutely certain that by the end of the year my chip investments will make me ecstatic.
I am confident you won't regret holding your chips this year, and probably next year too.  Just trim and not panic when it makes sense.  This isn't all or nothing and we never know what next week brings.

Chips confuse me.  Ford just announced they are cutting production 50% next quarter due to a chip shortage.  That's a pretty big deal.  Automotive chips are not high end tech.  I don't know if they are covering up a demand problem or their shortage is real.  They have the bucks to buy a suppliers complete attention.  

My day was the usual.  I oscillate less than 1/2%.  I absolutely smoked my weekly income record so it's all good.  I have plenty of new cash to buy something nice when the opportunity happens.


TXN was my biggest loser today.
(04-28-2021, 03:07 AM)ken-do-nim Wrote: [ -> ](Insomnia; it happens)

Never heard of that one before.  Looking at the stock ticker; no dividend, definite downward trend the last 6 months.  What attracts you to that stock?  I do see the nice recovery you are talking about, though there was a false recovery Feb 11th as well.

Purely a speculative play.
The business idea is amazing: basically the main product now is a hybrid conversion kit that turns any of your existing tractor-trailer trucks into a hybrid. I do see a big market for a product like this now: it's relatively cheap and can indeed be fitted into existing fleets. So no need to buy new tractor-trailers if you don't want to. This provides a pretty accessible way for companies to lower their fuel costs and to keep up with the demand of cleaner transportation. 

No revenue yet though... which is the reason for the huge decline. The idea is amazing, the product seems to work well, but none of that matters if people aren't going to buy it. And there is going to be a lot of competition... I'm expecting to see revenue this year, otherwise this might be a dud. Also a big plus for the CEO. Not just some random business dude who saw a way to profit from the EV boom, but rather a racing enthusiast with a degree in mechanical engineering who has been tinkering with cars all his life.

edit: the SPAC started trading at $10, which is where we are now. IF the revenue starts coming in then it's a great buy at these levels. If the revenue doesn't show up then this is going close to zero just like a lot of other speculative EV stocks.


(04-28-2021, 09:24 PM)crimsonghost747 Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-28-2021, 03:07 AM)ken-do-nim Wrote: [ -> ](Insomnia; it happens)

Never heard of that one before.  Looking at the stock ticker; no dividend, definite downward trend the last 6 months.  What attracts you to that stock?  I do see the nice recovery you are talking about, though there was a false recovery Feb 11th as well.

Purely a speculative play.
The business idea is amazing: basically the main product now is a hybrid conversion kit that turns any of your existing tractor-trailer trucks into a hybrid. I do see a big market for a product like this now: it's relatively cheap and can indeed be fitted into existing fleets. So no need to buy new tractor-trailers if you don't want to. This provides a pretty accessible way for companies to lower their fuel costs and to keep up with the demand of cleaner transportation. 

No revenue yet though... which is the reason for the huge decline. The idea is amazing, the product seems to work well, but none of that matters if people aren't going to buy it. And there is going to be a lot of competition... I'm expecting to see revenue this year, otherwise this might be a dud. Also a big plus for the CEO. Not just some random business dude who saw a way to profit from the EV boom, but rather a racing enthusiast with a degree in mechanical engineering who has been tinkering with cars all his life.

edit: the SPAC started trading at $10, which is where we are now. IF the revenue starts coming in then it's a great buy at these levels. If the revenue doesn't show up then this is going close to zero just like a lot of other speculative EV stocks.

What a great idea? Anyone doing this in the automotive space?
I haven't seen anyone else with a similar approach. But still, any EV maker who is planning on heavy duty trucks is a direct competitor in my books.
Welcome 2R45!!


Today was a total see-saw, but it ended with the ship upright.

Today's winner was NAIL, back in action in the ROTH. Gosh what a huge mistake it was to sell in the taxable, both because of the short-term cap gains and also because it provides such an effective counterweight against all the high tech and it's been smoking hot for a solid year. I might just bulk up its core constituents HD, LOW, SHW instead in the taxable as funds allow.

Today's loser was LABU, also back in action in the ROTH.

Other daily noteworthies:
TXN bounced back nicely.
MO took his ex-div day beating.
STX up for the umpteenth day in a row.
T is on the move! Go HBO Max! I brought it up to the $3000+ club.
A good day for defense stocks. LHX, LMT, and the index fund DFEN all had solid days.

After a steady culling of my lower contributors, the only stock I have that has a net loss is ORC, and it's fast moving back to 6 plus the dividend is still over 14% so it's still overall fine.
IBM new 52 week high today. Better get on the ? ship Fenders lol. $165 target coming!!
It's hard to have the funds to get into everything that looks nice. Kinder Morgan looks similarly promising, and with an even higher dividend than IBM.
Todays loser BMY. GNRC was the winner up over 20pts. That's the best day I recall. Port went nowhere again today. I'm only a day away from my ATH though. Just need defensive stocks to have a good day again.