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Winter of 2014 - gardening
My seed starting setup is very rudimentary compared to all of the very professional looking arrangements that many show on my gardening forum. However, I'm not usually at a disadvantage, because the plants go out in the sunshine on most days during a typical February and March, with many outside days even during January. This year has been a beast however, and you will will notice how my plant's footprint has outgrown its supply of light. Nice thing is that in just a day or two, they will be back outside in the direct light with temperatures in the mid 60's. Still, I'm ready to move the whole setup outside into the unheated cold frame. Looks like the weather will prevent that however, at least for another few weeks. This is the second snow storm in the past couple of weeks. Very uncharacteristic of our recent winters!

First, here is how our usual 50's and 60's sunny day is looking today.

[Image: 12480532493_ec386c84e0_c.jpg]

And here is our very amateurish setup. Not a problem early on when all of the plants are growing in just a few community pots. Now each plant has been lifted into an individual pot and the space has increased perhaps 4X. Perhaps will construct a growing shelf with big florescent lights, but probably not as the need is generally so limited.
[Image: 12480554923_d8fd8dbab6_c.jpg]
Alex, you're getting my juices flowing. My problem? Well, it was -3F this morning and that bush in the middle of your yard would not be visible in mine. You should see the deer tracks though. It's been a tough winter and they've been stamping all around my yard digging up the apples and onions I threw on the gardens for spring tilling.

We don't bother with seeding our own. In farm country here, we can get all we need at a couple of garden centers at a reasonable price. We also don't have the room for all of it.

I can just taste those home-grown tomatoes looking at your plants. Thanks for the inspiration.

“While the dividend itself is merely a rearrangement of equity, over time it's more like owning an apple tree. The tree grows the apples back again and again and again, and the theoretical value of the tree doesn't change just because of when the apples are about to fall.” - earthtodan

We also buy plants for about $1.50 per six pack, but I like being able to buy from the many varieties that are available from the seed companies. The blacks are especially tasty.
You're making retirement look like a lot of fun, Alex!
We had a very unusual cold snap into the 30s last night. I hope all the vegetables I planted recently will survive. Alex, how goes your garden?
Cold crops are doing great. We have made many harvests of salad greens. We've had a couple of harvest of a medley of cooked greens. Garlic is coming off steadily, as we harvest undersized plants and use the entire plant just as we would cloves of mature bulbs. Sweet peas are growing nicely.

Warm weather crops are a different matter. I just replanted corn. Had to move all transplants into the greenhouse last night and will stay there for a couple of days. Here is my post from my favorite gardening gardening forum,

Joined: Jul 6 '08
Posts: 3262
Location: South Carolina
Calling for lows into the mid to low 30's for the next couple of nights. At this part of the season, moving to the protection of the greenhouse is quite a task.

Overall view:
[Image: Greenhouseprotection1_zpsd1dfc984.jpg]

Closer view of tomato plants in the back half of photo one.
[Image: greenhouseprotection2_zpsdb6a824f.jpg]

Still am looking for ripe tomatoes by late April or early May!

This is likely the last drop into the 30's. Will plant a few warm weather crops in the next week.
Dammit! I'm getting hungry and anxious again. Angry

Looking good and healthy, Alex.

“While the dividend itself is merely a rearrangement of equity, over time it's more like owning an apple tree. The tree grows the apples back again and again and again, and the theoretical value of the tree doesn't change just because of when the apples are about to fall.” - earthtodan

Wow great pictures. It makes me want to start a gardenSmile
Thanks, helpfulgardener seems to be a good website.

I want to get a green house. Most of my tomato plants are looking pitiful after that cold snap (I don't live far from hendi_alex). However, my broccoli, cauliflower, and brussel sprouts are doing great! I am still learning a lot and trying new vegetables every season.
Just planted our garden yesterday. My 6 year old little girl is helping for the first year. Hopefully the Texas heat doesn't kill off most of it this year like it has in the past. She would be devestated.

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