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Not sure it's a "super size me" fiasco.....
(10-07-2014, 07:35 PM)Lewys120 Wrote: [ -> ]I also own no food stocks and $92 for the largest fast food retailer? Make mine a large!

On its own of course "$92" means nothing at all.

Current div yield is 3.7% (!)
EV/EBITDA of 10.1 is 15.1% cheaper than the last 10yr avg (!!)
3 year beta is 0.5 (!!!)

Great entry point for a great company

Of the 3 metrics I outlined the beta number would give me the most comfort when initiating a position at this super uncertain ( death march upwards? or 20% blow off? ) investing juncture
I'm still newn to investing so thanks for the metrics.
Ready to learn!
Lewys, you've asked about a lot of stocks lately. Now I'm wondering what your portfolio looks like. Not nosey (OK, maybe I am) but would like to know what you've decided on if you should ask again. Just spitting out tickers when we don't know what you already own seems futile to me.

I'll ask again, did you start to formulate a plan on your investing goals and tactics?
Hi dividend watcher.

In short:

I've made a mess of things to start and I'm glad I joined this forum in time.
I'm currently planning to take a financial hit on my 2 funds (losing $50) from 2 funds totaling $1300

I then plan to add some of my own capital to top my investment pot up to $1600 (one thousand british pounds)

I will then split this money in to two equal investments being;

XOM and PG

I will then own these stocks;


that I'm really happy with as dividend growers and also these 'mistake' stocks that aren't really worth selling considering the dealing charges.

CLLN.N ($200)
GAZP ($330)

I realize that I made a few stupid moves but am glad I joined this forum to sort out my standings.
I'm 21 so have plenty of time to invest more carefully and with more understanding in the future.
I'll take this as an expensive lesson!

In terms of a long term plan I will invest $5000 2015/2016 and another $5000 2016/2017 *thereafter I'm unsure how much I'll have on hand to invest*

As to where that $10000 will be spend I'll look closer to the time. But they will be solid dividend champions.

What do you think of this plan DividendWatcher?
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